The collection is a modern and Theatrical representation of the modern Indian woman who lives in the “today” – yet embraces the romance of traditional Indian...
Gaurav Gupta Studio is proud to open the first-ever-digital show in India in association with FDCI’s ICW 2020 (India Couture Week) on 18th September at 8 pm....
-The brand has taken sponsorship of Super 4’s on IPL & is betting big on digital media- This year, Sparx enters the IPL bandwagon as on-air...
The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has appointed Shri Sunil Sethi, a leading personality in the Indian fashion industry, as its advisor. Sethi will advise the...
Upgrade your wanderer look as you own the street with a swag. The all-new Monochrome collection from Wrangler takes a futuristic design approach and blends greys,...
Leading German personal care and lifestyle brand Carrera has launched a range of premium quality professional hair dryers named Carrera hairdryer No. 531, 532, and 631....
The definition of masculinity is changing. We’ve come a long way from the days of quick shaves and setting hair with a gel on the go....
The challenges triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic and now the tensions at the border have prompted a leading shoewear brand LIBERTY to change their business acumen. Earlier,...
The book ‘Lassis of India- Smoothies With a Twist’ by Mrs. Radha Bhatia wins ‘Best in the world 2020’award in the category ‘Drinks with no alcohol’, Food &...
Ethnicity brings to you – The Pushkar Collection, inspired by the dramatic collage of diversified pictures that bring alive the century-old sprawling festivities of the Pushkar Mela. Pushkar is an important pilgrimage destination...
Ever felt the rush in you to take a trip to the steepest mountains, thinking to hit the road for the longest drive of your life,...
Hakka Tung Blossom and Cherry Blossom Festivals in Taiwan mark onset of Spring It is often said ‘Earth laughs in flowers’ and March welcomes the season...