
Sony AATH launches ‘Nut Boltu Aar Bhooter Baari’ – the first movie of Nut Boltu series



Sony AATH is launching a movie of its popular series Nut Boltu. The movie is titled ‘Nut Boltu Aar Bhooter Baari’ and is produced using the advanced technology of 3D animation. Staying true to the show’s original concept, the movie revolves around two inseparable, mischievous friends, Nut and Boltu, accompanied by their friend Chimti. Always eager to help others, their unique perspectives often lead them into trouble. However, their strong friendship, honesty, and belief in each other ultimately help them overcome any obstacle.

In the movie, Nut, Boltu and Chimti end up in a haunted house and what follows is an eerie turn of events. The first movie of the popular family entertainment series will premiere on Sony AATH on Sunday, February 23, 2025, at 1:00 PM.

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