Site icon Online fashion and lifestyle magazine

About Us

Are you the one who loves to flaunt the latest trends? Do u just love hearing about the latest Bollywood happenings and about your favourite star? Do you adore ramp models and always like to be kept informed about the latest trend on the ramp?

And if your answer is yes then you should subscribe to Glamour mantra an online fashion magazine launched which features regular updates for all the fashion lovers who loves to be updates and also follow the latest trends going around. It is truly for someone who always aspires to look good and truly fashionable. The website has it all to make you glued to it. Gone are the days when people used to buy subscription of their favourite magazines. The online magazine is for free as one does not have to pay any subscription fee to follow it.

The reasons to look up to Glamour mantra:

The Team

The website is a collective effort of all concerned whether it is the writers, the journalist and all those who have a hand in bringing up this online fashion magazine into existence working under the founder of the magazine.

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