
Self- defense is very important as we can see girls are not safe – Chandan Singh Chauhan



Chandan singh chauhan is a martial artist from defense who born on 15 January 1987 in Bihar. He is an army man who served for our nation about 17 years and now he train martial arts to many youngsters. Chandan singh chauhan train martial arts to girls free of cost because he believe that why to ask help if you can do it by your- self. In the special talk with glamour mantra he shared his experience and views with us.

QTell us about your 17 years of journey in army

 My journey was very tough I entered through taekwondo, I started from karate but I come to know that in Indian army there is no scope from karate then I chose taekwondo and then I entered in Indian army.  I have played national tournament from Chennai and through army I participated in many tournaments.

Q-From where you learn this technique and how you got inspired to learn this art?

I am learning this art form from the age of 5, I heard that from martial arts you can make a good career and can make ourselves self-dependent we can do self- defense as well. I got inspired form my uncle, he was black belted in martial arts and played many national tournaments.

QWhy you chose film industry after army?

 I gave a demonstration then I got offer from a counselor from production, they want to make a channel on martial arts and they offered me to train people.  My interest got intact in this field and I believe that I can do better things in this field.

QWhere you teach martial arts?

 There is a club where I teach girls free of cost and till now I have trained 35000 students from my club, every year 4-5 students got selected for government job.

QWhat message you want to give those kids who want to learn martial arts?

 Now days self- defense is very important as we can see girls are not safe, children are not safe and people got so dependent and lost their will, in any miss happening people are dependent on army or police and you know army or police can’t give you protection in your home or in your society so this is very important to make yourself strong and for this you need to learn martial arts in this art you can learn everything by this you can become strong mentally and physically.

Q-Sir please tell us more about Indian army

See the life of an army man is very difficult sometimes we need to live in those place where a common man can’t even imagine to live. . In these 17 years I lived in Assam, Jammu and many areas and I learn from my job that in any situation even in the weakest situation you need to keep yourself strong  and after all these years I become very strong .

Q- Do you want to give any reaction on attacks like URI and many more?

You know Pakistanis can’t attack form front they always strike back.  We only stop when politics come in between else we don’t stop. if we get order then we will finish Pakistan but this kind of order is next to impossible. We only follow the rules which are gave by the higher authorities, you know how powerful Indian army is.

Q- How beneficial BJP is for Indian army?

There was  no open power with army in previous government we need to wait for orders but now things are changed, now government is so powerful that they pulled Abhinandan back and this is the power of BJP but  army is nothing to do with politics.

In India martial arts should be compulsory in schools and colleges so that at the time of war every child stand like a soldier. Every individual should get trained, whatever happening with girls now days they should learn self- defense so that the people who want to harm they think twice.

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